Apple adding battery percentage indicator to iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone XR, and iPhone 11 with iOS 16.1

Apple adding battery percentage indicator to iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone XR, and iPhone 11 with iOS 16.1

Apple has rolled out the first developer beta of iOS 16.1, which follows without the release of iOS 16 on Monday.

iOS 16.1, which is misogynist now to registered developer beta testers, has widow the shower percentage option to the iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone XR, and iPhone 11 status bar, without the indicator option was previously not misogynist for these devices during the main iOS 16 beta cycle.

Until iOS 16, Apple has only shown users a visual representation of the shower level rather than an word-for-word percentage, with users having to swipe lanugo to open Control Center to view the percentage due to the lack of space in the iPhone status bar considering of the space taken up by the TrueDepth camera system.

With the latest beta, users can enable the shower percentage using the Settings app, which has a new option in the Shower subsection.

With the setting enabled, the shower percentage will show inside the shower icon in the iPhone status bar, with the verisimilitude of the shower percentage numbers waffly dynamically based on the user’s wallpaper, and whether or not the user is charging their iPhone or has Low Power Mode enabled.

The post Apple subtracting shower percentage indicator to iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone XR, and iPhone 11 with iOS 16.1 first appeared on The Apple Post.